

在他们进入大三的时候, 伟德国际为学生提供国际文凭课程 文凭课程(DP), 通过引导学生进行分析,使其全面发展, 批判性的思考, 在努力成为具有全球意识的公民的过程中形成伟德国际知识的结论.



与小学及文凭课程一样, the IB学习者简介 defines the type of lifelong learner that the MYP strives to develop. IB学习者概况代表了IB世界学校重视的10个属性. 我们相信这些属性, 以及其他类似的人, 能否帮助个人和团体成为当地负责任的成员, 国家, 以及全球社区. (伊博人,2013年). 本课程旨在培养以下学习者:


什么是ib ??

国际文凭组织的文凭课程(DP)创建于1968年. It is a demanding pre-university course of study for juniors and seniors that leads to examinations and is recognized by elite universities in 美国 and around the world as an excellent preparatory curriculum. The IB 文凭课程 is designed for highly motivated secondary school students and is currently found in over 4500 schools in more than 145 nations worldwide. 在过去的几年里, The IB 文凭课程 has become the program of choice for high schools in 美国 seeking to offer a world class college preparatory curriculum.


The IB 文凭课程(DP) curriculum provides a cohesive and comprehensive liberal arts and sciences program of study for highly motivated students of different educational backgrounds, 能力, 和利益. 它不仅仅是一套考试,也是一个强大的学术项目, 强调学术成就, 批判性思维, 研究技能, 以及社区服务. DP旨在提供一个平衡的方案, which stimulates thought and creativity and enhances the inter国家 perspective of students. 满足课程要求的学生表现出对学习的强烈承诺, 无论是对内容的掌握还是技能的发展. DP课程的目的是

  • 教育年轻人在一个复杂的社会中明智而负责任的行事.
  • 确保对传统学科和个人自身遗产的了解, 同时培养好奇心和对新思想的开放态度.
  • 使学生真正了解自己和他人, heightening the capacity for tolerance and engendering respect for different points of view within the IB Program.

IB文凭课程教育以学习者为中心, 提供经过充分研究的教学, 探索多样化, 全球内容.

ib dp的独特性质

有很多大学预备课程可供选择, 那么,是什么让DP与其他大学预科项目不同呢?“它始于一种哲学,即知识不是一成不变的, 知识的主体是不断变化的, 一个人应该与这些知识接触,而不是被动地吸收. The DP is not simply about acquiring a body of information; it is about how to think. IB学习者简介 The 国际学士学位 learner profile came into existence from the IB mission statement. IB旨在培养探究性, 知识渊博的, and caring young people who help create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. 它是整个IB项目的骨干和起点. The Learner Profile has become the values that define the type of learner that IB students strive to be, 也是IB教师和管理者在他们的职业生涯中所渴望的. Inter国家 Mindedness IB programmes aim to develop 国际上的 people who recognize their common humanity and shared guardianship of the pla网 and help create a better and more peaceful world. Inter国家 mindedness empowers people to perceive the world in a manner that lessens focus on oneself while accentuating a greater sense of the others.


Saint Andrew’s School believes that the IB 文凭课程 should be available to all students, 允许任何学生攻读IB文凭或个人DP课程. 每种途径都应在课程注册期间与学生辅导员进行讨论. 学生 who enroll as a full IB 文凭课程 candidate embark on a twoyear intensive curriculum. 对DP课程的挑战性和严谨性感兴趣的学生, 但不一定在所有学科领域, 可以选择一个或多个感兴趣领域的DP课程,而不是获得完整的文凭. 学生 must take corresponding prerequisites to the DP courses, as outlined in the Course Guide. 成功完成一门课程将获得该领域的“证书”. 所有参加DP课程的学生都需要在5月份参加IB考试.


The IB 文凭课程 is a rigorous two-year course of study leading to externally assessed examinations. DP提供了两方面的广度, 就提供的课程范围而言, 和深度, 在那两年里,学生必须修很多课程. It is a deliberate compromise between the specialization required by some colleges and universities and the breadth preferred by others. IB Diploma candidates are required to complete coursework in each of the six groups during grades 11 and 12. Candidates must then complete three higher level and three standard level examinations in May related to the courses studied. 如果学生愿意,选修课可以代替第六组课程.


除了这六个学科领域, the 文凭课程 has three core requirements that are central to the philosophy of the DP and challenge candidates to apply their knowledge and understanding. The three core requirements are: Theory Of Knowledge (TOK) 这 requirement is a course taken during the spring of the candidates’ junior year and the fall of their senior year. The course challenges students to investigate sources of knowledge (ways of knowing) and how it relates to the larger world (areas of knowledge). 它实际上是一门伟德国际思想和学生与思想关系的课程. TOK是一门伟德国际批判性思维和探究认识过程的课程, 而不是学习特定的知识体系. 创造力, 活动, 服务(CAS)创意, 活动, service (CAS) involves students in various activities alongside their academic studies throughout the 文凭课程. CAS enables students to enhance their personal and interpersonal development through experiential learning. 通过IB, 学生们面临的挑战是了解他们个人服务的影响, 在本地, 和全球. 扩展论文(高级研究)学生完成一个独立的, 自主研究, 以4收尾,选择题目,写一篇1000字的论文. 一名教员监督每一位参与撰写扩展论文的学生. 主管的作用是鼓励, 支持, 建议, 并指导学生完成写作过程. 这种学术经历使学生能够进行独立研究, 一项被学院和大学高度重视的技能.


The goal of earning the IB Diploma is achieved by a candidate showing their knowledge of the six subject areas through Internal Assessments (IA) and comprehensive examinations (external assessments) at the end of the course. IBDP考试的分值为1-7分. 才能获得IB文凭, a student must score a total of 24 points from their examinations and IAs (minimum of 12 points in HL coursework). 在学生的总文凭中还有其他增加分数的机会. Depending on what students score on their Extended Essay (EE) and Theory of Knowledge (TOK) a student can earn up to 3 points that will be applied to their total points.


组1: 语言文学

组2: 语言习得

第三组: 个人与社会

第四组: 科学

组5: 数学

第六组: 艺术 


The IB 文凭课程 prepares students for university and more universities are recognizing the value of an IB Diploma. They find IB 文凭课程 students to have the qualities they look for in prospective students – they are inquisitive, 精力充沛的, 承诺, 努力工作, 国际上的. Research shows students who take IB coursework are better prepared to succeed in college than if they did not participate in this rigorous academic program. 学生 who complete the IB 文凭课程 earn a high school diploma and the inter国家ly recognized IB Diploma. 由于学生在IB文凭学习过程中所从事的特殊工作, IB课程是大学学分课程. The amount of college credit students are eligible to receive depends on both the colleges and universities the student is applying to and the scores the student earns in his various subjects.